But Isn't it Obvious There's a God?  

I hear this one quite frequently. Somehow or other the conversation gets round to the fact that I'm an atheist, i.e. I lack a belief in the existence of the Judeo-Christian God. After catching his jaw before it can hit the ground, my interlocutor asks how I could not believe in God. I reply that I know of no evidence to justify a belief in his existence. Their response: "But isn't it obvious that there's a God? Just look around!" Or something like that.

To those of you who think it's obvious, I say this: What seems obvious to us is often wrong. Our senses and intuition can only take us so far in our quest for truth. In fact, they frequently lead us away from truth.

For example: It seems intuitively true to us that the Earth is a plane, flat as a pancake. It took scientific inquiry to demonstrate that the Earth is closer to spherical in shape. It seems obvious to us that the Sun circles the earth, rather then the other way around. It took science to show us the truth.

Check out Richard Dawkins on this below:

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