A Merciless God and the Need for Critical Thinking  

Heading home from work, pressing "Seek" again and again on the radio. Come across a preacher commenting on the wonderful mercy of God. The text under discussion? God's amazing mercy, as shown to King David subsequent to his, David's, dalliance with the seductively bathing Bathsheba and his Godfather-like arrangement of her husband's battlefield demise.

I mentioned critical thinking. A few years ago I would not have questioned the claim that God's actions in this case manifest some sort of supreme degree of mercy. But today I actually think about it. Here's what occurs to me.

In retribution for his favorite guy's misdeeds, God makes the resulting baby get sick and die. Not only that, but he makes David's wives (which polygamy God allowed, by the way) be acquired and screwed by David's own son, in full view of "all Israel." (Not sure how he accomplished the broadcasting of the event, but let's leave that aside.)

Now I ask, you, just how merciful is it to allow a parent to live and yet take the life of his baby? And then have the man's sworn enemy screw his wives in public? Vito Corleone ain't got nuthin on this God.

No doubt Christian apologists will say that God was merciful just letting David go to heaven. Yes, we all deserve to be damned eternally because we all fall short of perfection, never mind that we were all (if you believe the story) designed and manufactured in God's factory to begin with. So God has the perfect right to inflict the worst possible suffering on us and still be called merciful by the mendicant masses.

And here's the irony: Christians will flay the woman who undergoes an abortion and call her a hell-bound murderer, and bemoan the poor baby-souls who never get to live on the earth, but God, he gets to kill babies and still have us kiss his behind.

What do you think?

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Why Religion Thrives in Spite of Everything  

Although Christianity, in its more traditional manifestations, seems to be in decline, it is still stubbornly clinging to the psyches of the masses. I have developed my own list of reasons why that is. What is it about being human that sends us to the comforting teat of religion? People feel the need to...

Be told they're worthless schmucks. People are wracked by feelings of inadequacy and self-condemnation. They seem to need to be told that their sense that they're evil is on target. It gives them a twisted validation to believe they're deserving of eternal damnation and need to be forgiven their heinous sins by a merciful father figure.

Be told how to live. Our lives are full of choices. Facing choices is stressful. What if we make the wrong choice? How much simpler life would be if we had someone to tell us what to think and what to do and what to feel!

Believe that someone is looking out for them. The world is a frightening place, with much of its workings beyond our control. The people and things we love and rely on to be happy are subject to the whims of nature and other people. The result of our awareness of this is anxiety. One means by which we can manage our anxiety is to believe that there is an omnipotent, omniscient and beneficent being who will protect the things we value. Just send your newly licensed child out on her own in the family car for the very first time and you will be sorely tempted to beg to this being for protection. Just like offering a sacrifice to the sun god Ra in order to secure a good crop at harvest time.

Use religion to control others. Some people can't ever be satisfied with taking care of their own lives. They crave the feeling of power that comes with controlling others. For people of this bent, religion is a godsend. They have a abundant source of biblical verses which they can use to whip their followers into ecstatic obeisance. They can grow fat and rich off the need of others to be dominated.

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