The New Tithe - Defunding churches, funding good causes  

I hope for a secularized America. One where churches and pastors find it difficult to fleece a flock and get no special help from the government. One where people have the sense to resist the self-serving, guilt-inducing pleas for tithes from already wealthy religious con men. This video may help move us a bit in that direction. I hope so.

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Canceling God Out of the Equation  

As naturalistic explanations of observable phenomena come to light, God is backed into a smaller and smaller corner of the universe. When it was discovered that lightning is caused by the buildup of opposite charge between clouds, or between clouds and the ground, God was deposed as the explanation for the phenomenon of lightning. When we learned that comets are the remnants of the formation of our solar system and are nothing but dirty balls of ice in highly elliptical orbits, they ceased to be signs from God.

Similarly, evolution has explained, in natural terms, the development of all species of life on earth, from its simplest to most complex forms, so God is squeezed into being the explanation only for the initial genesis of life. At least until science explains that, too.

So how do Christian apologists respond to this ever-shrinking domain wherein God remains the so-called explanation? Some take a fighting stance and claim that evolution is "only a theory" and remains unproven. They claim that, despite all evidence to the contrary, the earth is really only 6,000 years old.

Others, however, take a tack that is more accepting of scientific reality. Okay, they say, evolution is true, but this only means that God used evolution to do his thing, not that He doesn't exist.

But what is the result of this concession? Simply this: God is unnecessary. To say that God works through evolution is to have him on both sides of the equation, and anyone who learned basic algebra knows that you need to simplify equations by canceling out unnecessary entities. A + B = C + B is going to be reduced to A + B - B = C, and then A = C. God can safely be removed from the equation. As an explanation of anything, he is wholly unnecessary.

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