The truth about Christian love  

Whenever a Christian acquaintance from my past reaches out to me I am immediately skeptical about their motives for doing so. Does this reaction seem paranoid or unkind? Perhaps it does to some, but to me it seems a reasonable perspective, and here's why...

First, Christians are told in their scriptures to love the lost in order to recruit them. Aside from this motive, they are taught to "come out from them and be separate," and not to be "unequally yoked" to them. They learn that suffering in this life is essentially unimportant, since the life to come will bring everything to right. They are told to care for other believers first, outsiders second. So when a Christian is kind to you, be wary. It's not uncommon, should you show a lack of interest in what they're selling, for them to lose interest in you, "shake the dust off their feet" and move on in search of a better harvest. This is not to say that some Christians aren't very caring people apart from their religion, but whenever their religion plays a part it's likely screwing with their motives.

Second, I have never known a supernaturally loving Christian. They have all been ordinary people, some more loving than others, just like everyone else. According to the Bible, they are supposed to be infused with the "fruits of the Spirit," making them better in ways that would be literally impossible otherwise. I can't recall ever meeting or knowing someone who stood out to me in this way. The way the term "miracle" has been dumbed down to mean the occurrence of any unlikely event that has a happy ending, people will call anything supernatural these days, but I'm talking about things that cannot be explained or duplicated by natural means.

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