Filling the God-Hole  

A line used often in the battle to win souls goes as follows: There's a space in your heart that only God can fill.

The idea is that God made us each with a God-hole. It's an emotional and psychological emptiness inside us that we can feel, and it's an emptiness that can only be filled by a relationship with Him, or so goes the thinking behind it.

Of course, almost everyone, at some point in their life, will "feel" that something is missing. Back when people had to spend all day, everyday, focusing their energies on putting sufficient calories on the table to avoid starvation, the only emptiness they probably felt was physical hunger and perhaps fatigue. But today, with our scads of free time, we seek to be emotionally and psychologically fulfilled.

No wonder, then, that this appeal finds purchase.

At the ripe old age of 17, I was drawn by this line because I had not found a "meaning" or a "purpose" in my life. If only I had given it 6 more months! Then I would have been fine!

So, this is my advice to anyone who feels that they have a God-hole. Before you commit to religion, give it some time. Look into other ways to fill that emptiness. You may find that the hole can be filled by other things, and you may save yourself a whole lot of wasted time, money and energy.

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