Atheists on the left, Christians on the right?
I've posted before on the disturbing trend of Fox News airing blatantly religious content. But there's another, equally irksome penchant I've noticed on the atheist side. Many atheist bloggers, I have noticed, routinely espouse blatantly left-leaning political views on their atheist blogs.
This is certainly their right. It's their blog. My issue has to do with the way they come across. It smacks of the same holier-than-thou mentality of the religious right. If you don't think Obama is your Lord and Master, you're a religious, right-wing freak, according to them.
I don't believe in the Christian God because I see no reason to do so, not because of my political views. Furthermore, I despise being squeezed into a philosophical box. So you won't see me pushing right or left on this blog.
Happy reading!
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