Does Eddie Long serve God or Money?  

According to the Bible, Jesus said "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money" (Matt. 6:24). Besides the obvious angle of sexual hypocrisy, the other interesting aspect of the Eddie Long accusations has to do with the question of whose money Eddie was spending on these handsome young men, and the larger issue of religious leaders who gorge themselves like ravenous hogs at the trough of their congregants' donations.

A recent article on LA Late News points out that there appears to be a conflict of interest between two of the defendants in the case: Eddie and his church. Since the accusers charge that Eddie used the church's money to seduce the boys with trips, cars, hotel rooms and other gifts, they may not be able to use the same lawyer. So sad. But my big question is this: Why don't donors care that the leaders of these supposedly Bible-believing organizations are clearly serving Money and not the Lord?

How is it that people who are hard-pressed to keep food on the table, who drop their dollars in the collection plate every Sunday, have nary a qualm about how their preachers are living on their dime?

Actually I think I know at least a couple of the answers...

First, the preacher makes me feel good. That's all that matters. It doesn't matter that he's (or she's) buying Bentleys with my money, he makes me feel good.

Second, he says that if I give him money I'll get more back. I have to have faith.

It's hard for me to feel sorry for these people.

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