Seek the FACE, not the HAND!  

I received a Facebook solicitation from an old friend who works for a well known faith-based charity. Her organization is putting on a "Walk for Hunger," and she sent out a generic FB request to her friends for contributions. Now, I happen to know, because I looked it up in public tax documents online, that their CEO made something like $360,000 in compensation in 2008 or 2009..

So, troublemaker that I am, I replied to all that I had trouble supporting a charity whose CEO makes almost $400K per year. Got a couple responses, one of which went like this: "The money is for the 'POOR AND HUNGRY' get past that, seek the 'FACE OF CHRIST AND NOT HIS HAND' this is for the good of the poor.."

Avoiding stirring things up further I wisely chose not to reply, but here are 2 responses I was sorely tempted to make:

1. I'd like to focus on the face but it's hard not to be distracted by the giant hand clutching $400,000.

2. But isn't it the hand that's reaching into my pocket?

Your thoughts?

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