A progression I can relate to - Why I Left Christianity
Since I left faith behind I've been fascinated by the stories told by others who have taken the same path from faith to reason. This account in particular struck m as similar to mine in that the author finds himself drawn to to Calvinism and ultimately to unbelief.
I was drawn to Calvinism as an intermediate stage in my transition to unbelief simply because it was more logically consistent with the scriptures than the wish-fulfillment of evangelicalism. Whereas contemporary Christian thought went through illogical contortions to dismiss the plainly biblical idea that God chooses to save some and condemn others, Calvinism faces it, accepts it, and ultimately lays it at the feet of God's sovereign right to do whatever he wants. In other words, might makes right.
And, like the author, my need to be rational and logical, to go where the evidence would lead, led me to accept that science proves faith to be irrational.
My favorite quotation from the account:
By the time I finished reading the book...I sat down and realized that there was nothing left for me to believe. The overwhelming evidence for biological evolution, the natural history of the world, and the historical critical problems with the Bible left me dumb founded. I came to the conclusion that I was no longer a Christian and that I had to reject the faith that I had believed, loved and cherished for so long.
Why I Left Christianity
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