An old earth proves the Bible is wrong  

Listening to Albert Mohler on the radio, he answers a question by a caller about whether the earth is old or young, and I'm reminded of my own irrational thinking as a minister attempting to defend the Bible.

But I will give him one thing: he's at least honest about what an old earth does to the Bible's credibility. It destroys it.

According to Mohler, if the earth is old, as science tells us it surely is, then the Genesis account is wrong, and nothing in the Bible can be trusted. Further, if human beings existed and died before Adam and Eve sinned, then "we have a gospel problem," since the gospel declares that death came into the world because of sin. If death existed before sin, then again, the Bible is wrong and the gospel is a fantasy.

So how does Mohler get around the science? He cannot dispute that the earth "appears" old. The evidence of fossils and geology is overwhelming on that score. He merely concludes that the earth was created mature, as were Adam and Eve.

Yes folks, God made the earth and everything in it and on it only a few thousand years ago, but he made it with fossils of animal and plant life that never really existed, and with geologic strata than never saw the light of day, etc.

You see, Christian apologists begin with an assumption that the Bible is true, then work like crazy to find a way to make such an irrational view seem rational. It's not a pretty thing to witness from the outside.

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