Christianity's claims and falsifiable hypotheses
This is why the claims of science should be treated respectfully and those of Christianity should not: Claims that cannot be tested and be proven either true or false do not deserve respect.
This point was brought home to me in dramatic fashion as I watched an excellent TV program on the work of Albert Einstein. In particular, the show dealt with his general theory of relativity. It was a breathtaking theory that, if correct, would turn the Newtonian law of gravity on its head.
Not only was his theory buttressed with brilliant mathematics, it could be proven either true or false. You see, along with the theory, Einstein had a way of testing it. The test involved a total eclipse of the sun and the measurement of a very specific prediction as to the deflection of light from distant stars as they passed the sun.
As you might imagine, he was proven right. But do you know that, until accurate measurements could be taken, a feat that required arduous travel and many years to acquire, the scientific community would not grant his theory acceptance? And that's as it should be.
Now, in sharp contrast, consider the vaporous, unfalsifiable predictions/claims of the religious:
We do miracles! Really? Why is it that your so-called miracles and healings alll have to do with medical conditions that we can't verify? Either because we can't find the so-called healed or because their so-called healing can't be seen. One leg shorter than the other, a pain in the belly, cancer of the duodenum. whatever. A person in Africa. Give me a freaking break.
We predict the future! Really? Just the other day we learned that a "respected pastor, best-selling author and founder of a major ministry to teens predicts an imminent "earth-shattering calamity" centered in New York City that will spread to major urban areas across the country and around the world – part of what he sees as a judgment from God." Wow! When? When will this happen? "I do not know when these things will come to pass, but I know it is not far off." Oh, thanks.
Prayer works! Really? And if what you pray doesn't happen? Oh, God's just saying no. Ah, I see.
God exists! Really? And if it really really seems like he doesn't? That's because he wants you to have faith. Yes, that makes sense.
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