Is the Earth a Circle or a Rectangle?
My experience has been like that of countless others who have thrown off their religious faith before me: As soon as I stopped trying to defend my faith and instead began to examine it critically, it commenced to crumbling like a desiccated clod of dirt does when you try to hold it in your hands.
Defenses that I once used with blithe confidence to buttress my beliefs are now exposed for their intellectual, if not dishonesty, then incuriosity. Fo example...
A radio preacher mentions the Bible's reference to "the circle of the earth" as proof that it has a divine origin. For how could ancient man, intones the preacher, have known that the earth is a sphere if not for divine inspiration?
Do you know that I used to say this very nonsense? How easy it is to lay waste to such nonsense once ones intellectual faculties are engaged.
First, the earth is a sphere, not a circle. Describing the earth as being spherical would really have been something, but the Bible uses the term "circle." Second, anyone who stands in a place where the horizon can be seen in all directions would think that the earth might be circular. Third, why not point to the Bible's reference to the "four corners of the earth" as proof that the men who wrote it knew absolutely nothing of its true shape. (Perhaps if photos taken from space showed a rectangular planet, which shape does have four corners, one could crow, but they do not, alas.)
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