Why don't you believe in God?  

Here can be found some of the most interesting and salient answers to that question:

New Statesman - Faith No More by Andrew Zak Williams (July 25, 2011)

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What do smart people think about God?  

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Science Explains Religion  

Los Angeles Times - By J. Anderson Thomson and Clare Aukofer, July 18, 2011

Before John Lennon imagined "living life in peace," he conjured "no heaven … / no hell below us …/ and no religion too."

No religion: What was Lennon summoning? For starters, a world without "divine" messengers, like Osama bin Laden, sparking violence. A world where mistakes, like the avoidable loss of life in Hurricane Katrina, would be rectified rather than chalked up to "God's will." Where politicians no longer compete to prove who believes more strongly in the irrational and untenable. Where critical thinking is an ideal. In short, a world that makes sense.

In recent years scientists specializing in the mind have begun to unravel religion's "DNA." They have produced robust theories, backed by empirical evidence (including "imaging" studies of the brain at work), that support the conclusion that it was humans who created God, not the other way around. And the better we understand the science, the closer we can come to "no heaven … no hell … and no religion too."

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Are you skeptical or credulous?  

Skeptical inquiry is the best way to approach life. That's my premise. What is skeptical inquiry? Here's one straightforward definition:

Skeptical inquiry is a method of investigation which guides the evaluation of claims of fact. Four words neatly summarize the skeptical credo: Prove what you claim!

Skepticism's core value judgment holds that empirical evidence must support a falsifiable claim to justify acceptance of that claim. A skeptic strives to identify and clearly articulate assumptions and, when they are questioned, rigorously test those assumptions. Science is the best tool yet-invented for producing evidence that skeptics consider valid.

My question to you: Are you skeptical or credulous? Do you tend to believe, without evidence, whatever you read or hear?

Those who believe the fundamental claims of Christianity (Jesus is God, was raised from the dead, born of a virgin, etc.), I submit, are credulous. The funny thing is, most of them would be skeptical about a modern day claim of resurrection or virgin birth, but for some reason accept without question the claims of the Bible. Why? Because they're in the Bible.

What evidence do they have that any of these things ever happened? None whatsoever. For that matter, how do they know that God is good? Because it says so in the Bible. Take the Bible out of the picture and they have nothing.

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Freedom from religion is glorious  

I mean this literally: Not a single day goes by that I don't celebrate and appreciate my freedom from religion. I'm not talking about freedom to do bad things. My morals don't have anything to do with divine edict or fear of supernatural punishment; then never did. I'm talking about mental, intellectual, emotional freedom. This post from unreasonable faith says it better than I can.

Since leaving the church, I have learned to value people for who they are regardless of what they believe, without feeling like I need to “win them to Christ” and save them from their horrible selves. I’ve been able to simply enjoy a drink with a coworker without ridiculously talking religion and pressuring her into Christianity. I am free to sleep in on Sundays and no longer feel obligated to give my time and money to an organization. I can enjoy life, each moment, the simple things without cursing the hell bound world around me and then forcing myself to think heavenly thoughts.

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Need a Resurrection?  

People who follow Todd Bently are complete jackasses and deserve to have every penny they own taken from them by this fucking lunatic. First of all, his name is TODD!!! On top of that, he's Canadian! (At least he sounds like he's Canadian, which is just as bad.) Shouldn't that be enough? But no, you need more to keep you away?

The best line from this video: "People that need people raised from the dead are now tuning in to the meeting." It's like he's talking about people who need their drains unclogged. Who in hell wouldn't like to have someone raised from the dead?

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